
Safe Email for Kids! Protects While Still Giving Kids Their Freedom…

Since the launch of Ibbleobble we have become more and more aware the importance of children’s safety online. We have acquired some really good friends along the way who have products – you may not be aware of – which implements some great safety procedures that help protect children online. Here’s more about their product… When it comes to their children, online safety is a big concern for most parents. Innocently enough, children can become subjected to inappropriate information or activity online. We’re in an age where most kids have their own smart phones and laptops, and with that comes a parents first priority- to keep their kids safer online. Enter Kids Email. is the safest and most trusted email service for kids and teens. Parents have the ability to control their child’s contact list, manage safety settings, and have the piece of mind their child is learning how to use email in a safe environment. Kids love to email! They love learning how to put together their thoughts and send off a note to a loved one. Some of our features include – Kids can have fun emailing loved ones, and what better place to learn this than through a safe and kid friendly platform! Try it for free today! Like on Facebook Follow on Twitter Join on Google+